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Slides |
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Can I use animated slides with AutoView? |
If you have a slide converter (such as iSpring Pro) which can convert your slides into a suitable flash file for use within AutoView, then you can have animation within the slides.
However, it is not technically feasible to start the animations within slides using AutoView time index triggers (this is a limitation of the flash plugin). Therefore, all animations within slides will need to be set to start automatically at the correct time after the slide has been displayed.
Alternatively, it is possible to use animated GIF files as slides within AutoView presentations. |
Category: |
Slides |
Topic: |
Can I use any flash file as a slide source for AutoView? |
If each separate flash file only contains a single slide, then this is easily done. All you have to do is to place all of the slides in a separate folder, name them according to the instructions on the 'How to use AutoView' page and then add a Flash (separate files) slide source using the folder containg the individual files to your presentation. AutoView will format all the flash files to fit the normal slide display area.
If you have a single flash file containing multiple slides, then you can try using Flash (AutoView Converter) slide type. This slide type assumes that each frame of the flash animation represents a single slide, so if your flash file is set up in this way, it may work with the slide type. However, this slide type is primarily intended for use with the AutoView document conversion service, so it is only guaranteed to work with slides that were processed using this software. |
Category: |
Videos |
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Can I use any video file with AutoView? |
You can use any video which is playable using a video plugin supported by AutoView. However, unless you are delivering presentations on CD/DVD, you should ensure that the video is suitable for download and playback across the web.
Most video files can be played back as they are downloading, however, you should ensure that the file is small enough to be downloaded (on a typical internet connection for your intended audience) in less time than it would take to watch the full length of the video. |
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Lecture Capture Live |
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Can I use my own flash video files with Lecture Capture Live? |
Yes, Lecture Capture Live can stream most .flv video files.
However, the file needs to be prepared correctly for video streaming, some flv video converters do not add the correct 'meta-data' to the flash video file. Without this meta-data, the file cannot be properly streamed, so while it may play back via Lecture Capture Live, performance problems are likely and you will loose the ability to quickly skip forwards to a later part of the video.
If you have problems streaming existing .flv files, these can be processed using a flash meta data injector. We recommend FLVMDI.
For conversion of other videos to flash, the Riva FLV encoder will create a video file with the correct meta-data for streaming. |
Category: |
Videos |
Topic: |
Does AutoView support HTML 5 videos? |
AutoView has support for HTML 5 video types built in.
However, the HTML 5 standard has not yet been ratified by the web standards body (W3C) and support for it in web browsers is currently inconsistent, so the HTML 5 capabilities are disabled by default in AutoView. However, it can be enabled by following the instructions below:
For version 2011020801 of the Moodle module and later:
Go to the Moodle module config page and enter the following into the JavaScript calls box on a new line:
For version 2010112201 of the Moodle module and earlier:
Open the avedit/editor.js file and uncomment the following line in the getVideoSelection function:
data=data+formOption(type, parent.videoframe.VIDEO_HTML5, getString("html5video"));
You can enable HTML 5 in the quickstart wizard by editing avedit/quicksrc.js by uncommenting the following lines in the getTypeFromExtension funtion :
if (url.indexOf(".ogg")>-1 || url.indexOf(".ogv")>-1 || url.indexOf(".ogm")>-1)
return opener.parent.videoframe.VIDEO_HTML5;
Category: |
Videos |
Topic: |
How do I stop people from downloading and keeping my videos? |
This is technically very difficult to do, if you want people to be able to watch your videos, then the video data has to be transmitted to the end users computer.
Using video streaming software (such as our Lecture Capture Live addon) to deliver your videos instead of downloading the video directly will make it much more difficult for a video to be easily copied, but it will not completely block downloading.
The Real Player plugin contains a "Download this video" button which works for many types of video. AutoView contains code which can be used to block any browser with the Real Player plugin installed from accessing AutoView presentation. Simply add the following code to the Javascript calls box in the AutoView module configuration:
This will require users to disable the RealPlayer plugin before they are allowed to proceed. It will not prevent the downloading of the video by other means. You should ensure that you are not using any RealPlayer video sources in your presentations before enabling this capability. |
Category: |
Lecture Capture Live |
Topic: |
Dealing with networks which block access to rtmp servers |
In order to operate, AutoView and Red5 use a protocol called RTMP to deliver live and recorded streaming video to the flash plugin. This protocol will require the client computers to be able to connect an addtional tcp/ip port, the default port is 1935. For a normal user on a home broadband connection this is unlikely to be a problem, however, in some corporate and college environments,
there may be firewall policies in place which limit the ability of computers to connect to anything other than a normal http webservices, typically port 80 and 8080 (though ocassionally, just 80).
Ideally, if these organisations are regularly accessing your services, then they should be advised to change their firewall policy to allow connections to the RTMP port on your Red 5/AutoView server. However, if this is not possible, then there are a number of steps which you can take to mitigate this problem.
Red5/AutoView can also operate using a protocol called RTMPT, this is a form of RTMP which is tunneled via HTTP. This form of RTMP is less efficient, is likely to use more bandwith and have a longer time lag. The flash plugin will automatically attempt to use RTMPT if the regular RTMP connection fails, however, this will only happen if the RTMP url Flash is attempting to connect to uses the default RTMP port, 1935. If you are using a non-standard
RTMP port, then a connection using RTMPT will not be attempted. If an RTMPT connection is attempted, Flash will only try to connect to the default HTTP port
80 (this behaviour is hard-wired into the flash plugin, we can't change it), so if you want RTMPT connections to work with your server, it is important for it to be configured so that RTMPT connections to this port are passed through to Red 5. However, it is likely that for a typical
single server set up, port 80 will already be in use for the regular http server.
Reverse Proxy
The simplest way to get the RTMPT connections to port 80 through to your Red 5 server is to use the reverse proxy capability of your regular http server to pass any RTMPT connection attempts it receives through to the Red5 server. For an Apache webserver, the following configuration directives will be required in the section of your server config which controls the Moodle virtual host (please change the host name to match your own):
ProxyRequests Off
<Directory proxy:*>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /fcs
ProxyPassReverse /fcs
ProxyPass /open
ProxyPassReverse /open
ProxyPass /close
ProxyPassReverse /close
ProxyPass /send
ProxyPassReverse /send
ProxyPass /idle
ProxyPassReverse /idle
- If you have changed the default rtmpt.port property in the file, you will need to substitute 8088 with the new setting.
- AutoView Module for Moodle version 2011042101 or better is recommended if you require reliable RTMPT access.
- Users may still experience a 1 minute delay before a successful connection is made even with this configuration in place. This is because the Flash plugin will always try to connect to the regular RTMP URL for up to 1 minute before falling back on other methods.
Category: |
AutoView Presentation Converter |
Topic: |
What do the output settings mean? |
a) Generic zip file. This will produce a zip file which contains all of the necessary content files for the AutoView presentation, but does not contain the delivery platform or an index page. It is intended to be uploaded into a Moodle system which already has AutoView, with the .avx file being used as the configuration file for a new AutoView presentation within Moodle.
b) Moodle backup file. Essentially the same as the generic zip file, but this option will include configuration data which enables the zip file to be restored using the Moodle backup restore system if the file is uploaded into the 'backupdata' directory of the course. The backup file is compatible with Moodle 1.8 and 1.9.
c) Self contained presentation. This will create a complete presentation in a directory on disk, with all of the necessary files to enable the presentation to be placed directly on a website or CD/DVD.
d) SCORM file. This will create a zip file with a SCORM manifest so that it can be imported into any system which supports the SCORM format. All necessary files to play back the presentation are included in the zip file.
e) AutoView .avx file only. This will only generate the .avx configuration file for the presentation, this is for use by advanced users who need access to the underlying presentation configuration. |
Category: |
AutoView Presentation Converter |
Topic: |
The slide quality drops after conversion for use in AutoView |
Presentations published using MS Producer use a non-standard mix of HTML and a custom plugin to display the slides. the Presentation converter cannot easily read this content to produce a high quality slide, so the slides used in the converted AutoView presentation are generated from a lower quality image which is part of the published presentation.
If you have imported the presentation into Moodle and you have the original Powerpoint file available, then you can create and add a new high quality slide source using either our document conversion service or by following the instructions on the How to use AutoView page. |
Category: |
AutoView Presentation Converter |
Topic: |
My video could not be converted |
The FFmpeg video conversion software supplied with the Presentation Converter is capable of reading a wide variety of formats, however because of the number of video and audio codecs in use it is not possible to support them all. You will need to use alternative software to process the video into a suitable format. |