Support Database

Contains help and support for all parts of the AutoView system.


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Category: Slides
Topic: How do I convert my slides from PowerPoint format?
There are a number of options :

  1. We have a commercial document conversion service which can be integrated with AutoView, which is available to our customers from our Software Store.
  2. Install OpenOffice, load the PowerPoint file into OpenOffice and use the export function to create a Flash movie of your presentation. Use the slides with the Flash (Open Office) slide format.
  3. Convert your presentation to a PDF (eg using PDFCreator), this can then be converted to a suitable flash slide file using the Swftools PDF2SWF utility. The Windows version now comes with a Graphical interface. You should make sure that the 'insert stop after each frame' settings on the options screen is set to 'yes' before converting any slides. Presentations converted in this way should use the Flash (AutoView converter) slide type.
  4. Buy a copy of iSpring Pro, publish the presentation as Standalone Flash Files and then upload all the slides into a separate folder within Moodle. Use the folder with the Flash (Separate files) slide format. AutoView cannot trigger animations within the slides, so you must either turn off all animation, or ensure that all animated elements play back automatically after the slide has loaded.

Category: Slides
Topic: I'm using PDF slides, but they never appear in the main slide display.
PDF slides are only currently supported for printing purposes, they won't work in the main slide display. We would like to have been able to use PDF slides directly in the main presentation window, but this hasn't proven to be technically feasible.

Category: Slides
Topic: Why can't I see any slide thumbnails for my presentation ?
You need to have an image based slide source for the thumbnails to work.

If a suitable slide source isn't present, then the thumbnails controls will be hidden.

Category: Slides
Topic: Why would I want multiple slide sources ?
Different types of slide source have different uses. Flash based slides are ideal for the main slide display, but are unsuitable for the thumbnails and printing. Image based slides are better for printing and thumbnails and can also be used in place of the Flash slides in the main slide display if the flash plugin is missing. PDF slides provide an additional option for printable slides. Multiple slide sources also allow you to have translated versions of slides for other languages on the same presentation page.

Category: Slides
Topic: I can only view the first slide of my presentation/add times for the first slide
You need to set the number of slides manually in the slide sources section.

Category: Playback
Topic: The slides don't synchronize with the video when I watch the presentation
There are a number of reasons for this :-
  • If you are playing an exported presentation back from your hard disk or a CD/DVD and are using the flash plugin to play videos, you will need to modify your flash security settings. Find out more about this problem here.
  • If you have an old version of flash and a much more recent web browser version (or vice-versa), it is not uncommon for the interaction between flash and javascript to fail. Upgrade flash and your browser to the latest versions and try again.
  • The javascript interactions don't work in some of the more unusual OS/Browser combinations. This is a browser/plugin vendor issue and there is not a lot we can do about it. See the browser compatibility page for more information on what we expect to work/fail.
  • You may have security settings or software which is blocking interactions between the plugins and javascript. This is quite rare and would only be expected if you have increased security above the normal defaults.

Category: Slides
Topic: My slides move forward two at a time
You have probably used the Adobe Flash (OpenOffice Converter) slide type for slides which weren't created using OpenOffice. Try changing the type to Adobe Flash (AutoView Converter)

Category: General
Topic: What is AutoView ?
AutoView is a system which enables non-technical users to produce on-line video lectures with synchronised slides and subtitles. AutoView is currently only available as an activity module for the Moodle VLE. However, the system is designed with other implementations in mind should there be a market for them.

Category: General
Topic: How is the AutoView licensed ?
The core AutoView Moodle module is freely available under the GNU GPL v2 licence. This module contains the basic presentation building and delivery code, so any presentations created with AutoView will always be deliverable and maintainable in the future.

Other parts of the AutoView system, such as the Lecture Capture Live plugin are sold under commercial licences.

Category: Moodle Module
Topic: Will I need any extras ?
The moodle module contains everything that you will need to put a pre-prepared video and set of slides on line with synchronisation. You will need additional software to prepare the video and the slides.

However, purchasing the Lecture Capture Live addon for AutoView will give you the ability to record and broadcast videos directly, while the associated Document Conversion Service will simplify the production of suitable slides.

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