we recently updated to Moodle 2.9.x and Autoview works well, except when we select the "Autoview Presentations" from the "This Course" menu at the top (which attempts to go to http://oursite/mod/autoview/index.php?id=28). When this is selected we get this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function autoview_add_to_log() in /var/www/moodle/mod/autoview/index.php on line 46
I changed that line to use the function "add_to_log()" which seemed to get past that error, but then errored out on the function in the next line "navmenu($course)" stating that the function was no longer valid. I filled that call with just a '' and it gave an error message that the function "print_header_simple()" is depreciated and $PAGE should be used instead. At this point I quit as this entire capability appears to need updating. Is there any estimated time of completion for updating it? Thanks.
- Mark