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Autoview Preview for Moodle 2.0 Activity Completion

Picture of Mark Davis
Autoview Preview for Moodle 2.0 Activity Completion
by Mark Davis - Wednesday, 6 July 2011, 4:24 PM
I was wondering if it would be possible to add "Show activity as complete when conditions are met" as an Autoview activity completion choice along with the "Require view" checkbox that the "Student must view this activity to complete it" (adding the "Expect completed on" Date choice would be helpful too)?

That would be really helpful because right now, the only choices are nothing at all or that "Students can manually mark the activity as completed". These choices do not allow us to at least know that the student has actually clicked the link to view the Autoview presentation.
Picture of Tim Williams
Re: Autoview Preview for Moodle 2.0 Activity Completion
by Tim Williams - Thursday, 7 July 2011, 10:39 AM
I've put this on my feature wish list for you. I can't promise when this is likely to happen though, i've got some other development tasks which are taking priority at the moment.