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Bug tracker setup

Picture of Valery Fremaux
Bug tracker setup
by Valery Fremaux - Friday, 25 April 2008, 6:51 PM

So nice you appreciated the bug tracker module !!

There is only one thing you should setup for common users being enabled to post bugs in. Use capabilities of the module to enable sufficent capabilities to report. Joined a view of some derogation to set to all Authenticated Users so whoever has an account at yours can report.


Picture of Valery Fremaux
Re: Bug tracker setup - more capability profiles
by Valery Fremaux - Friday, 25 April 2008, 6:53 PM
Here comes what I assume would be suitable for all developpers...

Picture of Tim Williams
Re: Bug tracker setup - more capability profiles
by Tim Williams - Monday, 28 April 2008, 1:08 PM
Ooops... Forgot to account for the fact that the default role for the front page is guest not student. This has now been corrected so anybody who is registered should be able to post bugs and comment on existing bugs.
Picture of Valery Fremaux
Re: Bug tracker setup - more capability profiles
by Valery Fremaux - Monday, 28 April 2008, 1:43 PM

doing trhee/four things on global search and I will post you a review proposal for autoview. You'll take what seems relevant to you there.

...about half an hour delay...


Picture of Valery Fremaux
Re: Bug tracker setup - more capability profiles
by Valery Fremaux - Monday, 28 April 2008, 4:40 PM

More things interesting in bugtracker setup :

making you own bug report items :

You may define as much items as you need that can be part of the bug report.

Here come an example of item set I setup for, so I can guide the user in reporting relevant information for me. (thanks to the great work of Tham Clifford !!).

Of course could you add and remove any item. Any used item adds a flied to the bug form and will allow search queries on that additional fields.
